AFLW Match Highlights: Carlton v Collingwood
The Blues and Magpies clash in round one of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Eagles and Cats clash in round seven of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Blues and Magpies clash in round one of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Saints and Bulldogs clash in round one of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Suns and Demons clash in round one of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Eagles and Crows clash in round one of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Cats and Kangaroos clash in Round one of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Tigers and Lions clash in round one of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Dockers and Giants clash in round one of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Bulldogs and the Blues clash in round two of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Magpies and Cats clash in round two of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Demons and Tigers clash in round two of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Kangaroos and Saints clash in round two of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Lions and Suns clash in round two of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Giants and Crows clash in round two of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Dockers and Eagles clash in round two of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Cats and Bulldogs clash in Round 3
The Giants and Suns clash in round three of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Demons and Kangaroos clash in round three of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Saints and Blues clash in round three of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Crows and Dockers clash in round three of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Tigers and Magpies clash in round three of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Lions and Eagles clash in round three of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Blues and Tigers clash in round four of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Saints and Cats clash in round four of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Dockers and Suns clash in round four of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Kangaroos and Magpies clash in round four of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Lions and Crows clash in round four of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Bulldogs and Demonds clash in round four of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Giants and Eagles clash in round four of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Cats and Tigers clash in round five of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Bulldogs and Giants clash in round five of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Dockers and Lions clash in round five of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Kangaroos and Blues clash in round five of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Crows and Saints clash in round five of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Magpies and Demons clash in round five of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Eagles and Suns clash in round five of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Tigers and Kangaroos clash in round six of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Giants and Lions clash in round six of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Crows and Suns clash in round six of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Demons and Saints clash in round six of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Blues and Cats clash in round six of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Magpies and Bulldogs clash in round six of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Eagles and Dockers clash in round six of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Suns and Tigers clash in round seven of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Saints and Giants clash in round seven of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Kangaroos and Bulldogs clash in round seven of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Demons and Crows clash in round seven of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Blues and Dockers clash in round seven of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Lions and Magpies clash in round seven of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Eagles and Cats clash in round seven of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Suns and Blues clash in round eight of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Cats and Giants clash in round eight of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Magpies and Saints clash in round eight of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Lions and Kangaroos clash in round eight of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Tigers and Eagles clash in round eight of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Crows and Bulldogs clash in round eight of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Dockers and Demons clash in round eight of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Bulldogs and Tigers clash in round nine of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Kangaroos and Dockers clash in round nine of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Demons and Lions clash in round nine of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Suns and Cats clash in round nine of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Crows and Magpies clash in round nine of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Giants and Blues clash in round nine of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Eagles and Saints clash in round nine of the NAB AFL Women's competition
The Crows and Demons clash in the NAB AFLW Preliminary Final
The Lions and Magpies clash in the NAB AFLW Preliminary Final
Relive some of the great moments of the 2021 AFLW season
The Crows and Lions clash in the 2021 NAB AFLW Grand Final